I received an email from Jack's son that he passed away last night in his sleep. Jack had been battling cancer for several years, far longer than the doctors ever expected him to.
These past few weeks he had been sending me photos of some of his foam flies and some lures he had made. At his behest I am posting them for public use on my Flickr page
Jack Plotts Foam Flies SetI will add to it as I continue to scour for any others he sent me over the years that may be tucked away in files.
I have no details concerning the memorial services. Hopefully someone will be able to update us with any details on the services.
Jack lived up in Illinois and I am here in Texas so we never met face to face. But over these past few years I came to know him via our correspondences. Quite a friendly and caring fellow. I will miss his humor and know how and friendly demeanor.